Chaos & Zender

Introducing Chaos & Zender, the innovative collaboration between Christiaan Dros, known as Chaos and Sander Pappot, known as Zender. Based in Amsterdam, this duo merges Zender's versatile graphic and modern design with Christiaan's mastery of illustration.

Zender’s artistic journey began as a graffiti artist at age thirteen, later evolving through a transformative experience at an American design studio. Christiaan brings a unique duality to the collaboration, expertly blending intricate surrealism with contemporary design approaches.

Working together from their spacious studio in east Amsterdam, Chaos & Zender create captivating artworks that push boundaries and inspire innovation. Their fusion and blend of styles mixed with their years of experience allow their work to take many forms, making them the perfect duo to tackle any project.

Skills: Illustration
Clients: Amsterdam Open Air, Hertog Jan, HP, Tikkie, Twitter, Two Chefs Brewing, Vodafone
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
Chaos & Zender
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